Understanding the incidence of street children in Accra, Ghana through the public opinion, mass media, recognition and judgement perspectives in social work
Social Work, Street Children, Ghana, Recognition and Judgement, Social Work and the Mass Media, mass mediaAbstract
Introduction: Throughout the entire change process in social work practice, power plays a vital role. Social workers, organizations, governments, and service users exert some form of power in the process of addressing social problems and implementing interventions. The arguments in this article demonstrate how these various viewpoints affect the prevalence of children on the streets.
Approach: Drawing from existing literature and diverse theories, this article critically examines the power dynamics and perspectives that emerge within the design and implementation of interventions for street children in Accra, Ghana, using the lens of social work, mass media, and public opinion, as well as the recognition and judgment in social work perspectives. When the predominance of street children in Ghana is examined through the lens of public opinion and mass media in social work, it becomes clear how Ghana's status as a liberal state influences the public and the media’s negative conception of street children. In addition, a critical analysis of the recognition and judgement theory in the Ghanaian context emphasizes how street children's fundamental rights are violated, which results in low self-esteem and confidence.
Conclusions: By offering practical suggestions for social workers, the paper's conclusion contributes to social work research and practice. Social workers, governments, and organizations may help street children by creating and putting into action rescue plans, raising awareness through advertisements and social media campaigns, and allocating enough human and financial resources.
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