Understanding sexual citizenship for Asian MSM in Aotearoa
Literature to inform social work practice of sexual justice
Asian MSM, Sexual health, Sexual citizenship, sexual justice, social workAbstract
Introduction: As members of a profession that promotes social justice and human rights, social workers are well positioned to engage in sexual health practices, such as providing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services, a significant aspect in the development of sexual citizenship—or supporting the rights and responsibilities of people in their sexual lives. Comprising part of the second largest ethnic minority group, Asian men who have sex with men (MSM) are the most HIV-affected ethnic minority group in Aotearoa New Zealand. However, social work practices with this cohort are non-specific. This article presents the concept of sexual citizenship as a lens through which to better understand the sexual health needs of Asian MSM in Aotearoa and how social workers or other health professionals might be supportive.
Approach: A narrative literature review of eight articles concerning Asian MSM’s sexual health in Aotearoa was undertaken. Three themes were identified from this review: 1) sexual stigma, discrimination and prejudice; 2) sexual health and layered identities, and 3) knowledge of safer sex practises.
Conclusions: As the fastest growing ethnic minority group in Aotearoa, more actions and resources are required to meet Asian, particularly Asian MSM’s, sexual health needs. The social work profession can play a critical role by advocating for sexual citizenship, providing supportive sexual health resources, and addressing sexual stigma and health disparities among Asian MSM.
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