Āta as an innovative method and practice tool in supervision


  • Marjorie Jane Hera Lipsham Ngati Maniapoto, Waikato, a Lecturer in Social Work at Te Wananga o Aotearoa. Currently working with the social work team at Te Wananga O Aotearoa ki Papaioea.




supervision, reflection, self-assessment, m?ori social work practice, ?ta,


Building on the social work practice model of Pohatu (2004), who outlines a behavioural and theoretical strategy named Āta, this article discusses the method and introduces a reflective tool that supervisors are able to utilise in order to invoke reflection and self-assessment through a Māori lens at both a personal and professional level. Āta is then discussed as it relates to elements of supervision being taught at a postgraduate level which include reflection, acknowledgement of the process of supervision and learning styles.


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How to Cite

Āta as an innovative method and practice tool in supervision. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(3-4), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol24iss3-4id122