A survey of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding sexual wellbeing among Chinese women living in New Zealand – a pilot study
sexual wellbeing, chinese women, new zealand, reproductive health,Abstract
The aims of the study were to assess sexual wellbeing knowledge and attitudes among Chinese women living in New Zealand and to investigate the factors that prevented them from seeking support from sexual wellbeing services. Seventy-nine Chinese women from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan were recruited through community and personal networks to complete a self-report survey, which included questions on socio-demographics, self-rated adjustment, knowledge of sexual wellbeing, importance of understanding sexual wellbeing, cultural influences, structural influences, and willingness to seek information and assistance. The findings in this study suggested that younger Chinese women lacked sexual wellbeing knowledge and were less likely to seek support when compared to their older age group counterparts. Three out of the eight variables assessed were found to make a significant contribution in the willingness of Chinese women seeking support from sexual wellbeing services. These were knowledge of sexual wellbeing, self-perceived importance of gaining an understanding of sexual wellbeing issues and cultural influences. Our results suggest that despite the length of residency and self-rated adjustment in New Zealand, traditional Chinese values and beliefs continue to influence the perceptions of Chinese women regarding their sexual wellbeing. Interventions to improve sexual and reproductive wellbeing in this population, particularly younger Chinese women, should be tailored to the specific enabling and reinforcing factors that include cultural views, communications between Chinese women and health and social services providers, and access to healthcare information.
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