Welfare services in Sweden – with New Zealand comments


  • Kerstin Gynnerstedt Associate Professor at the School of Social Work, Linneaus University, Växjö, Sweden.
  • Mike O'Brien School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland.




social services, sweden, elderly care, psychiatric care, disability, welfare systems,


Two countries on the opposite side of the globe – Sweden and New Zealand– similarities and differences!

This article is an introduction to the following articles about aspects of social services in Sweden. These articles, written from a Swedish perspectives and context, give some pictures of the welfare sector in the areas of elderly care, psychiatric care and disability care which hopefully will be of interest especially for New Zealand readers. To build the understanding of the Swedish model this introductory article starts with a theoretical approach to welfare systems. To understand the context in which services are delivered, it is necessary to both give some basic facts about the countries and about services – regulation, conditions, or- ganisations and implementation, including how services have developed historically and influenced the current situation – and to include comments and reflections from a New Zealand perspective. These external comments and reflections are also a way to broaden the interest and value for New Zealand readers as well as for international readers in general and, not least, Swedish readers. 


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Gynnerstedt, K. (1997a). Social policy in Sweden - Current crises and future prospects. In M. Mullard & S. Lee (Eds). The politics of social policy in Europe. Cheltenham: Edvard Elgar Publishing.

Gynnerstedt, K. (1997b). Past, present and future for people with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1(3), pp. 147-152.

Gynnerstedt, K. (2002). Citizenship theories and politics of the elderly. In B. Malmberg & C. Henning (Eds). Aspects of aging, old age and local contexts. Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping report number 2, 2002.

Gynnerstedt, K. (2011). Tredje åldern i ett socialt medborgarskapsperspektive i K. Gynnerstedt & M. Wolmesjö. Tredje åldern- sociala aspekter och medborgarskap. Malmö: Gleerups

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Elderly care: ensuring quality of life. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.sweden.gov.se.







How to Cite

Welfare services in Sweden – with New Zealand comments. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 23(1-2), 3-17. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol23iss1-2id165