Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: A social work intervention?


  • Brent Cooper A Dialectical Behaviour therapist and a social worker in MidCentral DHB’s Early Intervention for Psychosis Service (IMPACT).
  • Jane Parsons A clinical social worker and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Coordinator in the Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug service.




health social work, mental health social work, mental health, dialectical behaviour therapy,


This article introduces the mental health treatment, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) as a dynamic and challenging therapy well suited to a critical social work perspective. From the authors’ experience of providing DBT in a tertiary health setting over the past three years, the connections between DBT and social work will be espoused with the central tenet being the demonstration that psychiatric social workers are highly skilled once trained in this modality


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How to Cite

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: A social work intervention?. (2009). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 21(4), 83-93. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol21iss4id264