‘Moving beyond violence’: Exploring new ways to support women and develop networked approaches following intimate partner violence


  • Ruth Panelli
  • Tina Mongston
  • Fiona Young




This paper outlines a group-work initiative developed by Jigsaw Central Lakes as a response to recent calls for networked and full-frame approaches in the field of intimate partner vi- olence (IPV). It identifies both professional literature and policy contexts encouraging net- worked and collaborative cross-sector actions before outlining the Moving Beyond Violence (MBV) programme run for women in the Queenstown Lakes district. A brief description of networks and content is followed by a discussion of feedback and outcomes, learnings and further directions. 

Author Biographies

  • Ruth Panelli

    Ruth Panelli was a social geographer previously teaching, researching and writing from Otago Uni- versity and University College London. She is now completing an MAppSW (Massey) and works as a Family Violence Community Worker with Jigsaw Central Lakes. 

  • Tina Mongston

    Tina Mongston is the Manager of Jigsaw Central Lakes and has worked in the field of family violence for the past 14 years delivering training, programmes, interventions and management. 

  • Fiona Young

    Fiona Young is the Team Leader at Jigsaw Central Lakes and has worked in the family violence field for 11 years while also completing social work qualifications. 


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How to Cite

‘Moving beyond violence’: Exploring new ways to support women and develop networked approaches following intimate partner violence. (2015). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 27(3), 14-28. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol27iss3id3