Te mātauranga o ko wai au


  • Karl Pearce Ko Wai Au? Ko Whakatere te Maunga, Ko Waima te Awa, Ko Rahiri te Tangata, Ko Whakaruru te Waka, Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi, Ko Te Mahurihuri me Ngati Hurihanga Nga Hapu, Ko Wharerau Whanau whakapapa Maori au, Ko Hamana Wharerau oku Koro, Ko Judy Wharerau oku Whaia, Ko Don Pearce oku Matua, Ko Karl Pearce taku Ingoa, Ko Braden Crombie taku Tama.




personal narrative, history, education


Whoo aye! Being able to mihi my pipiha is a result of several years’ research beginning with choosing to attend Massey University in 2002. Until then I saw myself as a New Zealand European who happened to tan easy and have some Maori relatives. Then I had no idea my worldview would be turned upside down, yes my worldview sure has changed! But why did my worldview change?


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How to Cite

Te mātauranga o ko wai au. (2017). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 20(4), 46-51. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol20iss4id330