Surveys, social licence and the Integrated Data Infrastructure
Big data, Social licence, Indigenous data, Policy developmentAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Statistics New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) is a central repository for researchers to access multiple government agency datasets. The aim of this investigation was to understand social licence for including survey data in the IDI.
METHODS: Two convenience samples were recruited: (1) participants in one of 10 focus groups; and (2) respondents to pilot surveys for the 2018 NZ census or a population-based survey on violence experience. Qualitative data were transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis. Analyses were conducted independently by two members of the research team and results compared.
FINDINGS: Whilst little prior awareness of the IDI existed, participants developed considered judgements about it, identifying concerns and proposing safeguards that would encourage them to support its maintenance and use.
CONCLUSIONS: While there is the potential for social licence to be granted for the IDI, an on-going, transparent engagement process is required to maintain trust with agencies and researchers. As an over-represented population within government agency data, active, honest engagement is required with Māori, as are safeguards to reduce risks of further stigmatisation and marginalisation.
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