Ngā Aroro and Social Work Supervision


  • Eliza Wallace Ngā puhi, Te Rarawa, Violence prevention sector



Ng? aroro, M?ori concepts, supervision, culturally effective, indigenous


INTRODUCTION: This article explores the interconnectivity between Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview) concepts and supervision.

METHOD: The main focus of the research was to highlight ngā aroro (key concepts) from Te Ao Māorii that influence critical reflection in supervision and the cultural effectiveness of supervision. The embedding of kaupapa Māori (Māori approaches) research principles and ethics meant that the methodology provided a supportive shelter for consciousness-raising, critical dialogue, reflection on supervision practice and for oral cultural narrative to be honoured. A unique part of the methodology was the inclusion of a Whakawhanaungatanga Research Advisory Roopu, which provided the necessary cultural oversight of the research.

FINDINGS: The research used a thematic analysis that brought to light six conceptual themes from Te Ao Māori to unlock heightened holistic learning and support in supervision practice. The findings revealed that customary knowledge, skills and methods were purposefully accessed
to enable the re-indigenising of social work supervision. The conceptual frameworks showed elements of co-design, an awakened spiritual awareness and a desire to explore one’s cultural sense of self.

IMPLICATIONS: The research challenges the conventions of social work supervision to review supervision theory and practice particularly in considering the strengths of supervision provided by non-registered social work supervisors and the cultural effectiveness of supervision being developed, measured and evaluated based on the supervision goals of the supervisee and indigenous aspirations.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Ngā Aroro and Social Work Supervision. (2019). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 31(3), 20-31.