Implementing the integrated model of supervision: A view from the training room
Supervision, integrated model, context, relationship, system, reflection, resilience, restorative, recording, capacityAbstract
The integrated model remains fit for purpose as a framework for supervision which is under significant pressure in an environment of austerity and heightened demand. It will only realise its potential if the power of integration is understood and the influence of context is sufficiently recognised. Successful implementation relies fundamentally on two things: the capacity of both supervisor and supervisee to engage in a relationship, and the availability of systemic support for both that relationship and what it is designed to do.
This viewpoint explains the model, how we use it as trainers and some of the challenges to effective supervision practice we hear being discussed. Social work in the United Kingdom (UK) seems to be grappling with retaining the social when so much focus is on individualised approaches or, as we see them, fragmentary, partial understanding of context. We have summarised this fragmentation as being symbolised by 4Rs, and it remains our view that these elements need to be, and can be, integrated within the supervisory model. In the UK there has been a resurgence in strengths-based approaches, most recently, restorative practice. Arguably, being restorative has always been part of supervisory intention: we think the model supports this quite explicitly. Much emphasis is currently given to the (sometimes misunderstood concept of) resilience of practitioners and we believe the extrinsic elements of this need reiterating. The ability to reflect on the impact practitioners have on others, particularly those using their services, remains key. Finally, the issue of recording needs re-examination.
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