Specialist sexual violence social work: Ensuring good practice


  • Bridget Leary Social Worker in the Sexual Violence Field, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Kathryn Hay School of Social Work, Massey University, New Zealand




Social work, sexual violence, Aotearoa New Zealand, good practice


INTRODUCTION: This research sought to understand social workers’ perspectives on good practice in specialist sexual violence social work practice in Aotearoa New Zealand.

METHODS: In 2018, five registered social workers engaged in semi-structured interviews focused on good practice social work in the field of sexual violence.

FINDINGS: The use of therapeutic social work, along with an extensive skill set and knowledge base were identified as fundamental for sexual violence social work. Boundaries and the development of broad self-care practices were recognised as crucial components of good practice.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study offers links between the field of sexual violence and social work practice, while also indicating the need for future research.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Specialist sexual violence social work: Ensuring good practice. (2019). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 31(4), 60-71. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol31iss4id670