Navigating wahine Kāi Tahu methodology


  • Kerri Cleaver Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand



Herstory, mana w?hine, K?i Tahutaka, Mahika Kai, P?r?kau, social work, autoethnography


INTRODUCTION: Indigenous research is diverse and rich with multiple epistemological understandings. There is no one template for how we go about this. Shut out from the hallowed halls of academia for generations, Indigenous wa ̄hine have taken up the diversity of our perspectives and, in doing so, space has been created to compose from our own contexts.

APPROACH: This article explores one way of engaging in research as an Indigenous social worker. It is the sharing of my own process of mapping out my legitimacy in an academic space and in a Ma ̄ori space as a colonised wahine Kāi Tahu caught in the dual complexities of decolonising and living in this time. Navigating wāhine Kāi Tahu methodology is about the journey to create from my own context, honouring the process and the voices and experiences of the wāhine Kāi Tahu who shared in my research. The process includes the melding of traditional Kāi Tahu stories into a methodological framework in Indigenous ethnography.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Navigating wahine Kāi Tahu methodology. (2020). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 32(3), 5-16.