Pā Harakeke as a research model of practice


  • Ange (Andrea) Watson Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Taranaki. Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand




Harakeke, social work, Kaupapa M?ori, kaimahi, tukia


INTRODUCTION: This article will present a research study with seven Māori social workers (kaimahi) when exploring tukia (collision) of their personal, professional and cultural worlds.

METHOD: Kaupapa Māori underpinned this research, and pūrākau was utilised to connect the research to Māori worldviews; however, the framework was guided by Pā Harakeke. Pā Harakeke is often used as a metaphor for whānau and a model for protection of children,
whānau structure and well-being. Pā Harakeke underpinned the structure of the research and this article will unfurl how it framed the methods and methodology. The harakeke sits well in this research as the focus is on the well-being of kaimahi Māori—caring for the carers, helping the helpers and healing the healers.

FINDINGS AND OUTCOMES: An outcome from the Tukia research was that kaimahi shared words of wisdom (Ngā Kupu Taonga) outlining what assisted them to navigate their way through personal–professional collisions. These include self-care, use of appropriate supervision, organisational and cultural support mechanisms and growing from experiences. It is the hope that these taonga may help other kaimahi who experience Tukia in their mahi. These Ngā Kupu Taonga are presented in a Mauri Ora o te Pā Harakeke framework.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Pā Harakeke as a research model of practice. (2020). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 32(3), 30-42. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol32iss3id767