School social work: A school-based field placement


  • Doris Testa Victoria University, Melbourne. Her work is mainly in the areas of field education and school-based social work.



social work education, field education, field education placement,


This article addresses the placement of social work students in a non-traditional social work setting: the Victorian Catholic primary school. Considering the different elements of field education placements, this article discusses how a field education placement was purpose- fully structured to guide the social work student through the process of integrating theory and practice. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data, the article describes the structure of the placement and how respondents viewed the success or otherwise of the orientation activities, opportunities to integrate theory with practice, the development of practice skills, supervision and the development of school/university partnerships. The data indicated that a purposefully structured placement which provides students with a variety of learning opportunities and which is supported by clearly focused supervision are key contributors to the success of school-based field education placements. 


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How to Cite

School social work: A school-based field placement. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 23(4), 14-25.