‘Fit and proper’ and fieldwork: A dilemma for social work educators?


  • Tiffany Apaitia-Vague Social work tutors at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, based in New Plymouth.
  • Lesley Pitt Social work tutors at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, based in New Plymouth.
  • David Younger Social work tutors at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, based in New Plymouth.




social work education, field education, field work policies,


This article will focus on the four major issues that we have identified relating to ‘fit and proper’ policies and fieldwork. The first is the different levels of information that are held and shared by different entities. The second is the potential for such policies to directly contradict the principles of social work, and in particular social justice. Thirdly, it looks at the implications of being in a ‘contracting’ environment, and fourthly the position that social work educators are placed in as the ‘expert’ assessors of risk. Finally, we present some ideas that we hope will instigate a discussion amongst our profession and stakeholders. Throughout the article vignettes show practical applications of the issues that the article raises. While the vignettes are directly based on experiences that we have had while coordinating fieldwork, they do not correspond to specific cases. 


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How to Cite

Apaitia-Vague, T., Pitt, L., & Younger, D. (2016). ‘Fit and proper’ and fieldwork: A dilemma for social work educators?. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 23(4), 55–64. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol23iss4id151


