Letter to the Editor


  • Margaret Pack


leadership, supervision, social work,


A letter to the editor is presented in response to the theme of leadership and supervision in social work discussed in the first issue.


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Hanna, S. (2007). Not so strange! An application of attachment theory and feminist psychology to social work supervision. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review 19(3), 12-22.

Hycner, R., & Jacobs, L. (1995). The healing relationship in Gestalt therapy: A dialogic/self psychology approach. New York: Gestalt Journal.

Kearns, A. & Daintry, P. (2000). Shame in the supervisory relationship: Living with the enemy. British Journal of Gestalt, 28-38.

Mederios, M.E. & Prochaska, J.O. (1988). Coping strategies that psychotherapists use in working with stressful clients. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 19(1), 112-114.

Pack, M.J. (2004). Sexual abuse counsellors’ responses to stress and trauma: A social work perspective. New Zealand Journal of Counselling 25(2), 1-17.

Pack, M.J. (2007). The concept of hope in Gestalt therapy: Its usefulness for ameliorating vicarious traumatisation. Gestalt Australia and New Zealand Journal 3(25), 59-71.




How to Cite

Pack, M. (2022). Letter to the Editor. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 19(4), 52–54. Retrieved from https://anzswjournal.nz/anzsw/article/view/402


