Growing Research In Practice: The story so far


  • Liz Beddoe School of Social and Policy Studies at the University of Auckland.
  • Christa Fouché School of Social and Cultural Studies at Massey University at Albany in Auckland.
  • Phil Harington School of Social and Policy Studies at the University of Auckland.
  • Glenda Light Clinical social worker and the GRIP practitioner advisor.
  • Neil Lunt Formerly a member of the School of Social and Cultural Studies, but now based at University of York, in the UK.
  • Deborah Yates The GRIP Programme Manager and Glenda Light is a clinical social worker and the GRIP practitioner advisor.


practitioner research, GRIP programme, Growing Research in Practice programme,


This article presents an initial account of an innovative programme aimed at raising the profile of practitioner research across a range of social work settings within the Auckland region. It describes a pilot development that grew from initial discussions between members of staff of social work programmes at Massey University (Albany) and the University of Auckland (Faculty of Education) concerning the lack of practitioner research in New Zealand social work. The article briefly considers issues for practitioner research in social work and outlines the ‘work in progress’ that is the Growing Research in Practice (GRIP) programme.


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How to Cite

Growing Research In Practice: The story so far. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 19(1), 39-50.