Intersectionality and sisterhood in the time of Covid-19


  • Ai Sumihira Counties Manukau District Health Board, Aotearoa New Zealand



covid-19, intersectional feminism,


This article will explore some evidence which shows the extent to which the female workforce in healthcare is undervalued at the present time. I also found a number of studies describing strong examples of resilient women acting in times of environmental crises. I will explore how feminisms in social work recognise the diverse experiences of women of colour. Throughout our continuing national experience of Covid-19, social cohesion in Aotearoa has been said to have played a significant role (Spoonley et al., 2020), with the country acting as a “team of five million”. While Spoonley et al.’s study (2020) emphasises the importance of social cohesion when it comes to working as a trusted collective, in this article I will argue that our society needs to bounce back to a better and more inclusive norm during the ongoing recovery from Covid-19.


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Viewpoints 2

How to Cite

Intersectionality and sisterhood in the time of Covid-19. (2020). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 32(2), 49-54.