He kaiwhakatere ahau: A (k)new practice model in the care of rangatahi and whānau


  • Georgina Denise Makoare Ngāti Kahungunu
  • Zack Henare Makoare Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Whatua
  • Fiona Cram Ngāti Pāhauwera




M?ori youth, suicide prevention, navigation, outdoor activities


INTRODUCTION: A Kaiwhakatere position funded as part of Te Taitimu Trust’s Ngā Moko Ā Ngā Tūpuna initiative has created a space for a navigation practice model within the context of suicide prevention. The Kaiwhakatere is akin to a “professional auntie” who draws on her knowledge of whakapapa, whenua and whānau to engage rangatahi and whānau and build their connectedness and confidence as Māori.

METHOD: Discussions with the Kaiwhakatere (Georgina) and the Chief Executive (Zack) of the Trust have explored the emergence of the Kaiwhakatere practice model. This model draws on Georgina’s social work expertise and her recollections of her own upbringing.

IMPLICATIONS: The resulting Taikoko (rising spring tide) practice model of the Kaiwhakatere is grounded in Tākitimutanga to ensure that rangatahi and their whānau are connected to their cultural heritage, to their environment, and to a network of supports and relationships that facilitate their collective resiliency. Early feedback from rangatahi, whānau and education providers has been positive and encouraging.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

He kaiwhakatere ahau: A (k)new practice model in the care of rangatahi and whānau. (2021). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 33(1), 5-16. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol33iss1id819