The wildest dreams and the Asian gaze


  • Ai Sumihira Registered social worker



Asian health, women's health, feminism, health equity, social determinants of health, social work


This commentary essay is about a personal and professional reflection of the article written by Came et al. (2021)“Smashing the patriarchy to address gender health inequities”.  While learning about how Western feminism impacted on women’s health advancement locally and internationally, the original article made my mind wander.with curiosity over a few interrelated gender health topics. Those topics are namely Asian health in Aotearoa New Zealand, Asian women’s health, feminism in Asia and social determinants of health.  The article also made me realise that I knew only very little about my own roots, and womanhood studies in Asia. I dont even know how to say " feminism" in my first language. 


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How to Cite

The wildest dreams and the Asian gaze. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 34(4), 82-90.