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Simmons, Helen, Palagi. Community Development teacher.
Simmons, Helen, Professional Clinician in the Massey University Social Work Programme.
Simmons, Helen, A Professional Clinician in the Massey University social work programme.
Simmons, Helen, Book Review Editor.
Simpson, Kim Louise, Registered Social Worker Disability Sector
Simpson, Sophie
Sinclair-Phillips, Vivienne, Hope Trust Community Garden, Rangiora, Aotearoa New Zealand
Siwertsson, Christina, MPhil is a university lecturer at the School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.
Skop, Michelle, Wilfrid Laurier University
Smith, Genevieve, Registered Social Worker, Auckland New Zealand
Smith, Jenny, A community worker at Te Whare Roimata in the Inner City East.
Smith, Lee, WelTec, Aotearoa New Zealand
Smith, Lee, Whitireia Polytechnic, Aotearoa New Zealand
Smith, Mark, University of Edinburgh
Smith, Pam, Department of Social Welfare, Child Youth and Family, and Presbyterian Support Southland.
Smith, Pam, Has been a social worker for 28 years in government and non-government roles. Currently a team leader at Family Works Southland.
Smith, Pam, Team leader at a Child and Family Support Service in Southland.
Smith, Pam, Has worked with children and families within the community both in statutory and non-government organisations and has held social worker and supervisor roles. Currently a supervisory Team Leader at Family Works Southland.
Smith, Samantha, Registered social worker, Aotearoa New Zealand
Smith, Tristan, Samoan
Smithson, Diane, Service Manager, Emerge Aotearoa
Smythe, Liz, Auckland University of Technology
Snook, Ivan, Emeritus Professor of Education, Massey University.
Song, Changzoo, University of AucklandSchool of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Sorenson, John, Brock University, Canada

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