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Langham, Liz, Full member ANZASW
Lawihin, Dunstan, University of Papua New Guinea
Le Comte, Jeremy, Private Practice, Supervision and Development, Aotearoa New Zealand
Leadbeater, Maire, Has a long social work background (mainly in health) and as a peace and human rights activist. Currently works at Auckland City Hospital in Older People’s Health and is the Spokesperson for the Indonesia Human Rights Committee.
Leary, Bridget, Social Worker in the Sexual Violence Field, Wellington, New Zealand
Lee, Donghyun, Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea
Leigh, Jadwiga
Lessing, Charon, Auckland University of Technology
Lewis, Lashana, Te Hou Ora Whānau Services
Li, Yanbing, Bo Ai She – Chinese Mental Health Consumer Self-Support Organisation, Auckland, New Zealand.
Lietz, Ricarda, Healthcare New Zealand
Light, Glenda, Clinical social worker and the GRIP practitioner advisor.
Light, Glenda R, Professional Supervisor, Auckland District Health Board.
Lilley, Dallace, Hospice Marlborough, Aotearoa New Zealand
Lim, Garry
Lindstrom, Desi, Ninna Pita (Eagle Man) Circle Keeper, Mahmawi-atoskiwin Program
Lindstrom, Gabrielle, Tsapinaki Indigenous Studies, Mount Royal University
Lindstrom , Gabrielle, Mount Royal University
Lino, ‘Aulola, Academic Programme Manager, Unitec/Te Pukenga
Lipsham, Marjorie, Waikato Maniapoto, Ngāti Raukawa ki raro, Tūwharetoa. Kaiako, Massey University Aotearoa New Zealand
Lipsham, Marjorie Jane Hera, Ngati Maniapoto, Waikato, a Lecturer in Social Work at Te Wananga o Aotearoa. Currently working with the social work team at Te Wananga O Aotearoa ki Papaioea.
Little, Maddie, The University of Auckland
Lo, Jerry, University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
Loli, Matalau, Social worker at Auckland City Hospital, Auckland.
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