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Hagena, Kerstin, Animal rights activist
Hair, Amanda, Lecturer – Christchurch Institute of Technology.
Hale, Beatrice
Hall, Greg, Griffith University
Hall, Trish, Department of Social Work, Victoria University.
Han, Young, University of Auckland
Hancock, Merv, Life member of ANZASW and social worker in private practice in Palmerston North.
Hanlen, Trish, Convenor of Social Work at the University of Waikato, Tauranga, Member of Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers and a registered social worker.
Hanley, Joe, The Open University, England
Hanna, Sue, Senior Lecturer, School of Health & Social Services, Massey University, Palmerston North and after 1 March 2010, Lecturer, School of Health Sciences & Social Care, Brunel University, West London.
Hanna, Sue, Senior Lecturer at the School of Health and Social Services, Massey University.
Hanna, Sue, Background as a health social worker working in mental health, women’s health, working with elders and with children with disabilities and their families. Also worked for the Department of Child Youth and Family Services as a frontline child protection social worker and then as a practice consultant for both Care and Protection and Youth Justice. A senior lecturer and current Programme Leader of the Bachelor of Social Work programme at the University of Auckland. (New Zealand)
Hanna, Sue, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Hanna, Sue, Greenwich University, England (United Kingdom)
Hannan, Niki, Faculty of Humanities, CPIT. Adult Education Practitioner for over 20 years, primarily involved in teacher education. Specialises in designing and delivering training courses, and evaluating and giving feedback to teaching staff.
Hare, Jenny, Registered social worker and social work supervisor.
Harington, P., Principal Lecturer and Head of the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland.
Harington, Phil, School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland.
Harington, Phil, School of Social and Policy Studies at the University of Auckland. (New Zealand)
Harries, Maria
Harris, Jaanine, Previously Health Social Worker and EANP Social Worker, currently studying for Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry.
Harrison, Gai, Allied Health, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Queensland, Australia
Hartnett, Frances, Independent contractor
Hastie, Jan Louise, Toiohomai Institute of Technology
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