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Anderson-Meger, Jennifer
Anglem, Jim, A Senior Lecturer with the Social Work Programme, School of Political Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He is a Ngai Tahu academic who is the Kaumatua of Te Awatea Violence Research Centre.
Apaitia-Vague, Tiffany, Social Work Educator, Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki.
Apaitia-Vague, Tiffany, Social work tutors at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, based in New Plymouth.
Apaitia-Vague, Tiffany, A social work tutor at the Western Institute of Technology in Taranaki
Appleby, Jo , University of Auckland
Appleby, Jo, Auckland University of Technology
Appleby, Joanna, Registered Social Worker. Began work at the Kari Centre before joining the Regional Youth Forensic Service.
Appleby, Joanna, Auckland District Health Board
Appleby, Joanna, Doctoral candidate, University of Auckland
Appleby, Joanna, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Appleby, Joanna, University of Auckland
Appleby, Joanna, University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
Appleton, Cherie, University of Auckland
Appleyard, Katelyn, School of Social Work, Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand
Apulu, Melvin, Manukau Institute of Technology
Arevalo, Luis
Arevalo, Luis, Registered social worker
Ashley, Paul, Unitec, Auckland
Ashmore, Toni, Midland Mental Health Promoter, Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.
Ayallo, Irene, Unitec Institute of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand
Ayallo, Irene, Unitec Institute of Technology/ Te Pukenga, Aotearoa New Zealand
Bagnall, Sylvia
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