Bringing a myriad of gifts: June Kendrick


  • Barbara Staniforth
  • Mary Nash



anzasw, june kendrick, social justice, social work education, older people,


This article portrays the life and work of June Kendrick, a life member of the ANZASW, who has, and continues to have, a passion for social justice, social work education and social work with older people. The authors have both interviewed June at different times to collect her life story. We are writing this after spending a couple of sessions together with June, helping her to go through and sort out her extensive archives. This exercise provided us with a material display of the range of her involvement in social policy, practice and education and professionalism in social work. We have followed a chronological approach to writing this account, followed by reflective commentary on some of the key themes representing June’s achievements and contributions to social work. Her salient interests have been in social policy, residential work, social justice, the ANZASW, social work education and social work with the older person. June continues to live in her home in Auckland and remains active socially. She is also a keen follower of current social and political events and keeps in regular contact with several social workers with whom she has worked over the years. 


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How to Cite

Bringing a myriad of gifts: June Kendrick. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(2), 27-36.