Supported housing and housing support for the psychiatrically disabled – Background, population, policies, practices and current challenges


  • David Brunt Associate Professor, Director of Postgraduate Studies, Linnaeus University.
  • Lena Tibblin Care Assessment Officer, Municipality of Växjö.



housing support, psychiatrical disability, mental health reforms, supported housing,


This article presents an overview of the development of supported housing and housing support for the psychiatrically disabled in Sweden as well as a short résumé of the major policies, reforms and agencies that have influenced this development, in particular the Mental Health Care reform of 1995 and the National Agency for the Co-ordination of Psychiatric Services. Characteristics of the residents and residences are described. The specific role of the care assessment officer in the light of three case examples is discussed and the current challenges facing the providers of housing and support for the psychiatrically disabled in Sweden are presented. 


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How to Cite

Supported housing and housing support for the psychiatrically disabled – Background, population, policies, practices and current challenges. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 23(1-2), 54-65.