Negotiating trans-cultural social service partnerships


  • Peter Walker A Senior Lecturer with the Social Work and Community Development Department, University of Otago.



trans-cultural partnerships, organisational partnerships, community development, social service organisations,


This paper explores trans-cultural organisational partnerships within kaupapa Māori, Pacific people’s and mainstream organisations and how such partnerships are formed and maintained. I describe and analyse such partnerships in practice in New Zealand, using Das and Teng’s (2001) trust, risk and control schema, focusing on what works and why it works, and outline strategies to enable the implementation of such partnerships to other sites. The research will hopefully be a resource for those working in community development and social service organisations, who intend to enter into trans-cultural partnerships.


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How to Cite

Negotiating trans-cultural social service partnerships. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 22(3), 48-55.