Resuscitating health social work


  • Nicki Weld Nicki Weld is the Professional Leader for general health social work at Capital and Coast District Health Board in Wellington. She is also a co-director of the training and consultancy company CNZN Ltd



health social work, initial assessment process, social work in clinical settings,


This article explores a definition of contemporary health social work and presents an overview of an initial assessment process developed by the author and general health social workers in the Capital and Coast District Health Board (CCDHB). Health social work is a significant field of practice in New Zealand social work but is often not well understood. The author notes that social work documentation in clinical settings often focused on a brief social history and tasks required. The evidence of fuller social work intervention is sometimes completely missing. An approach to assessment in health settings is presented within a broader discussion of the role of health social work to demonstrate the context and thinking that informed it.


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How to Cite

Resuscitating health social work. (2009). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 21(4), 25-33.