Using the eye of the camera to bare racism: A photovoice project


  • Bharati Sethi Kings University College, Western University



photovoice, racism, discrimination, immigrant women, arts-based qualitative method


INTRODUCTION: Researchers have well established that visible minorities experience discrimination in the labour market and racism at work; however, few studies have explored the experiences of immigrant visible minority women, especially those residing outside of large urban areas. The focus of this article is to explore participants’ experiences of discrimination and racism using photovoice methodology.

METHODS: This Canadian study used an arts-based qualitative method in the form of a modified photovoice where 17 participants took photographs of their work and health experiences and discussed the meaning of their photographs and narratives in the interviews.

FINDINGS: Results indicate that participants experienced discrimination in the labour market, and racism at work. In the absence of language, participants found the eye of the camera as an effective methodological tool to uncover and communicate their lived experiences of discrimination and racism.

CONCLUSIONS: Social workers can utilise photovoice for exploring sensitive issues such as experiences of discrimination and racism in a safe context with marginalised populations. They prevent discrimination and racism in their communities.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Using the eye of the camera to bare racism: A photovoice project. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 28(4), 17-28.