Remembering, reflection and action: The evolution of the Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work journal
history, social work review,Abstract
This lead article in our vintage issue of Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work journal follows our professional journal from its launch in 1965, through several name changes, physical manifestations and numerous editorships, to the present day. Continuity and change are the themes we focus on, together with tenacity and adaptability. We briefly introduce the concept of content analysis as a tool for exploring the story of our journals and thus the Association’s history, and end with reflective questions for the future.References
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Whibley-Smith, A., Selby, R., & Baskerville, M. (2002). Reviewing the review: A review of the ANZASW Social Work Review Journal from 1988-2000. Social Work Review, (14), 6-9.
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