The journey of a profession: An introduction


  • Liz Beddoe Head of the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work, University of Auckland, former Editor of Social Work Review (1986-93).



vintage issue, introduction, social work education


Introduction to:

Ritchie, Prof. James E. (1967). The relation of the university to the profession of social work. New Zealand Social Worker: News and Opinions, 3(4), 3-13.


Daniels, K. (1973). Social work education: A time of crisis. The New Zealand Social Worker: News and Opinions, 9(4), 43-55.

McLaughlin, K. (2007). Regulation and risk in social work: The General Social Care Council and the Social Care Register in context. British Journal of Social Work, 37(7), 1263-1277.

Nash, M., & Munford, R. (2001). Unresolved struggles: Educating social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Social Work Education, 20(1), 21-34.

Ritchie, J.E. (1967). The relation of the university to the profession of social work. New Zealand Social Worker: News and Opinions, 3(2), 3-13.

Ritchie, J. (1992). Becoming bicultural. Wellington: Huia Publishers: Daphne Brasell Associates.

Ritchie, J., & Ritchie, J. (1978). Growing up in New Zealand. Hornby, Australia: George Allen and Unwin Australia.

Rochford, M. W., & Robb, M. J. (1981). People in the social services. Wellington: New Zealand Social Work Training Council.




How to Cite

The journey of a profession: An introduction. (2017). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 20(2), 22-23.