International social work: Bodies with organs


  • Mel Gray Chair of the School of Social Work and the University of Newcastle, New South Wales.
  • Gavin Rennie Treasurer of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Community Development at Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland.


international social work, international organisation,


Many of our colleagues have asked us to write a paper for an Australian and New Zealand audience on international social work and, as we shall see, there are various bodies with vital organs, with apologies to Deleuze and Guattari, which are highly influential in the nature and spread of international social work. This paper discusses the international organisation of professional social work to enhance awareness of social workers in Australia and New Zealand as to how they might engage in international discussions and debates. Information for this paper has been gathered from our experience in international social work, correspondence with colleagues variously involved in these structures and the websites of the various organisations.


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How to Cite

International social work: Bodies with organs. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 19(2), 42-58.