A balancing act! Social workers’ experiences of work-life balance while combining work and study


  • Bridget Roche Inspired by her experiences of studying towards an MSW (Applied) and working full-time as a social worker at Child, Youth and Family. Has recently taken up a social work position at Challenge 2000 in Wellington.
  • Mary Ann Baskerville Senior Lecturer at Massey University and organiser of the November 2006 ANZASW Conference on ‘Keeping your balance’. Working as a private practitioner with an interest in middle management, supervision and community development.


work-life balance, social work practice, balancing work and study,


Changing demographics and the changing nature of work has lead to pressure at the interface between an individual’s work and non-work life roles. As a result there is increasing interest in how to maintain a ‘balance’ between various life roles. Twenty-two social work practitioners completed a postal questionnaire on the work-life balance experiences of social workers who are combining work and study. This article discusses how the findings relate to previous research and the implications for social workers, and provides suggestions on how balance can be facilitated.


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How to Cite

A balancing act! Social workers’ experiences of work-life balance while combining work and study. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 19(2), 59-67. https://anzswjournal.nz/anzsw/article/view/458