"You cannot take it with you": Reflections on intersectionality and social work





Intersectionality, mana w?hine, feminism, decolonisation, oppression


This article presents a brief commentary on intersectionality and social work with a particular focus on Aotearoa, New Zealand. It begins with an examination of the genealogy of intersectionality through an acknowledgement that the concept has a longer lineage than the name. This foray into genealogy underscores the point that meticulous citational practice is a key component of good intersectional practice. Definitional challenges are briefly addressed, and the idea that theory and praxis are intimately connected is explored. Following this intersectionality is discussed in the context of ‘mana wāhine’ and recent developments in intersectionality in Aotearoa New Zealand. Finally, there is a discussion of why intersectionality is needed in social work with examples drawn from reflective practice and child protection in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Author Biography

  • Eileen Joy, University of Auckland
    PhD Student.


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How to Cite

"You cannot take it with you": Reflections on intersectionality and social work. (2019). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 31(1), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol31iss1id560