Aroha, Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga: Social work educators’ reflections on the Covid-19 lockdown in Aotearoa New Zealand
covid-19, social work educationAbstract
The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic which, as at the time of writing, is ongoing throughout the world, has far-reaching implications for the practice of social work. As Aotearoa New Zealand steadily moves towards declaring itself “Covid-free,” it is important to reflect upon and capture the complexities, challenges, and dynamics experienced during the lockdown. As the pandemic continues to expand, front-line experiences can serve to inform decision making and reflection on the future development of the social work profession in a post-Covid world. This article will discuss the experiences of three social work educators at the University of Otago’s Social and Community Work Programme. Each contributor will relate their pandemic teaching and learning experience by aligning it with a Value and Ethical Principle of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Work Code of Ethics (ANZASW, 2019). Each contributor felt that it was important to capture their experiences during this defining moment in our history and to consider how the nature of relationships may have changed, how boundaries shifted and learning has ensued as we have journeyed through a shared traumatic experience together. “He waka eke noa” (we are all in this together)
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