Hidden in plain sight: A critique



allied health, healthcare, interprofessional collaboration, model of practice, social work


INTRODUCTON: In 2020, the Health and Disability Sector Review (H&DSR) for Aotearoa New Zealand was published (Simpson, 2020). It called for widespread structural change and reform within the health and disability sector. As a response to this report, Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ) sought advice from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) as to how their membership could contribute to addressing the issues raised in the H&DSR (Simpson, 2020). The resultant report, Hidden in plain sight (HiPS) is the focus of this critique (Hogan, 2021).

APPROACH: An overview of HiPS (Hogan, 2021) is presented along with an analysis using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) framework. Some of the critique offered is from social work literature based on research conducted in Aotearoa New Zealand.

CONCLUSIONS: What becomes evident is: 1) that the proposed change is general practice- centric; and 2) HiPS has not considered the wealth of experience of interprofessional collaboration that is already occurring within the sector. What at face value appears a positive response to the proposal of the H&DSR lacks substance when subjected to robust analysis.

Author Biographies

  • Mary James, Faculty of Health, University of Canterbury

    Mary has a social work career in government, health and community organisations as well as in private practice. In 2019, she completed her Masters in Health Science (palliative care) at the University of Canterbury. Mary is currently teaching at Te Pukenga/NMIT. Mary is working towards her Doctor of Health Science in palliative care at the University of Canterbury. 

  • Isabel Jamieson, University of Canterbury

    Isabel Jamieson (RN, PHD, BN, MNurse(Melb), CertAT) is a senior lecturer, at the University of Canterbury (UC), Faculty of Health. She is the coordinator of the Master of Health Sciences (nursing) and Doctor of Health Sciences programs. Her areas of research include the healthcare workforce, nursing students' readiness to practice, the graduate nurse experience, and career change. Her clinical background was perioperative nursing (operating theatre). Isabel has a passion for nursing and supporting students to succeed.

  • Kate Reid, University of Canterbury

    Kate is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Health at the University of Canterbury. Kate's experience is in the field of palliative care and oncology nursing in a range of roles from clinical practice, management, governance, education and research. She has a particular interest in supporting health professionals and community development to enable people to live until they die and to provide compassionate end of life care.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Hidden in plain sight: A critique. (2024). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 36(2), 99–110. https://anzswjournal.nz/anzsw/article/view/1155