Registration ten years on: A perspective from a social work educator


  • Gavin Rennie Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Practice at UNITEC and a Registered Social Worker



social work registration, social work registration board, social work registration act, social work academics,


This paper, through the use of experience and observation, explores the way social work registration has been implemented and developed in the last 10 years. The argument will be developed that this process has not been inclusive, and has not responded to the critique of academics and practitioners. Furthermore, it will be argued that the Board has gone beyond its mandate through its involvement in raising the bar in terms of registrable qualifications. This included moving from diploma to degree and latterly increasing the length of degrees from three to four years.


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How to Cite

Registration ten years on: A perspective from a social work educator. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25(3), 3-10.