Attending to immigrants’ everyday activities: A new perspective on ensuring Asian immigrants’ quality of life


  • Hagyun Kim Auckland University of Technology
  • Clare Hocking Auckland University of Technology



Asian immigrants, occupation, occupational perspective, settlement


INTRODUCTION: The quality of Asian immigrants’ lives is significant to the harmony of New Zealand society where, at the 2013 Census, 11.8% of its residents identified as Asian. However, settlement can be stressful for new Asian immigrants because moving to a country with a different culture can disrupt most of their familiar routines, and it is strongly associated with marginalisation and isolation from society. Recognising these challenges, social workers have positioned themselves at the forefront of efforts to improve Asian immigrants’ quality of life.

METHOD: An occupational perspective is applied to underpin an examination of Asian immigrants’ participation in Aotearoa New Zealand society. Occupational science is a basic social science grounded in the notion that people engage in occupations for their existence and that the drive to be occupied has evolutionary, psychological, social, and symbolic roots.

CONCLUSIONS: This article suggests an occupational perspective as a new analytic framework which has the potential to give social workers clearer insight into the realities which Asian immigrants encounter; consequently, increasing their ability to support Asian immigrants’ full participation into a new society.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Attending to immigrants’ everyday activities: A new perspective on ensuring Asian immigrants’ quality of life. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 28(3), 57-66.