The power of the therapeutic relationship: Bringing balance to evidence-based practice


  • Grant Thomas Psychiatric Social Worker for the Community Mental Health Service in Palmerston North.


mental health, borderline personality disorder, structured therapy,


The inspiration for the article comes from working with a woman for 2.5 years, who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Over the period, structured therapy and a skills approach had been utilised but had not been particularly successful. As we explored the last 2.5 years’ work it became increasingly obvious something had brought change. I became interested in the idea of what that something was. Exploring this during supervision sessions it appeared to be related to the power of the therapeutic relationship and the relational tools used at the time out of necessity


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How to Cite

The power of the therapeutic relationship: Bringing balance to evidence-based practice. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 19(4), 55-66.