A review of adults with disabilities transitioning from their family home to community settings
disability, adult disability, independent living,Abstract
INTRODUCTION: This study examined the experiences of adults with disabilities (AWDs) transitioning to community based residential settings. This field of study has not been sufficiently researched despite being a key aspect of adulthood.
METHOD: A literature review of articles relating to residential transitions for AWDs was undertaken.
FINDINGS: The literature review findings could be grouped around three main categories: AWDs’ perception and self-determination, caregivers’ perceptions of the process and, lastly, the insights from service providers and social policies. The review and feedback identified issues experienced during the residential transition, such as feelings of readiness to transit which relate closely to the person’s self-determination. As the study delved deeper into the residential transition process in Aotearoa New Zealand, AWDs are noted to be vulnerable persons always requiring support in order to develop and maintain their independence.
IMPLICATIONS: Substantive state recognition, such as a social compact, is the key groundwork for this marginalised group to develop self-efficacy, have successful transition experiences and sustain good lives. Eventually, this must be in the form of Crown-binding legislation, where vulnerable adults are served through restorative and protective policies.
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