Reflection and evaluation from an agency and student perspective: Based on a consumer evaluation of Tautoko Services


  • Melissa Douglas Currently working in a social work position in a Victoria University Hall of Residence supporting first year students. The research piece was completed on behalf of Tautoko Services, a community support service for individuals and families who experience the challenges of intellectual disability.


tattoo services, service review, children, disability,


Tautoko Services are coming up to their 10th anniversary of operation in August 2006. As part of their strategic plan, they decided to review the effectiveness of their service from the perspective of the service users, who are people, predominantly children, with intellectual disability and whose behaviour is challenging for their family or whanau.

Tautoko Services decided to invite an independent researcher to carry out this research to elicit honest feedback and avoid power inequalities in the interviewing process. They approached Massey University and offered this project as part of a student placement.

I was in my final year of the Master of Social Work (Applied) and agreed to carry out this research as my last fieldwork placement. I had previously completed my own research piece so was aware of the research process, the ethics and implications.


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How to Cite

Reflection and evaluation from an agency and student perspective: Based on a consumer evaluation of Tautoko Services. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 19(1).