A political history of child protection: Lessons for reform from Aotearoa New Zealand


  • Kerri Cleaver Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha, University of Canterbury




child protection


Review of 'A political history of child protection: Lessons for reform from Aotearoa New Zealand' by Ian Kelvin Hyslop

Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022. ISBN 978-1-4473-5318-8, 214pp., Paperback, GBP24.99


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Department of Social Welfare (1988). Pūao-te-Ata-tū: Day break. Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Social Welfare. https://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/about- msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/archive/1988- puaoteatatu.pdf

Ministry for Children. He Take Kōhukihuki | A Matter of Urgency | Ombudsman New Zealand

Office of the Commissioner for Children. (2020a). Te kuku o te Manawa – Ka puta te riri, ka momori te ngakau, ke heke ngā roimata mo tōku pēpi (Part 1). Te kuku o te Manawa – Ka puta te riri, ka momori te ngakau, ke heke ngā roimata mo tōku pēpi | Office of the Children’s Commissioner (occ.org.nz)

Office of the Commissioner for Children. (2020b). Te Kuku o te Manawa–Moe ararā! Haumanutia ngā moemoeā a ngā tupuna moōte oranga o ngā tamariki (Part 2). At a Glance - Te Kuku O Te Manawa Report 2 | Office of the Children’s Commissioner (occ.org.nz)

Oranga Tamariki. (2019). Professional practice group: Practice review into Hastings Case, New Zealand Government. Hawkes-Bay-Practice-Review.pdf (orangatamariki.govt.nz)

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Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency. (2020). Ko Te Wā Whakawhiti, it’s time for change: A Māori inquiry into Oranga Tamariki–Report. https://whanauora.nz/wp- content/uploads/2021/06/OT-REVIEW-REPORT.pdf






Book Reviews

How to Cite

A political history of child protection: Lessons for reform from Aotearoa New Zealand. (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 34(2), 105-106. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol34iss2id987