Cyber-supervision during the Covid-19 pandemic: An exploratory international survey



Supervision, ICT, Covid-19, survey, supervisees, supervisors



This article reports the findings of an exploratory international survey on supervisees' and supervisors' experiences of cyber-supervision during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The survey aimed to establish a baseline of supervisees' and supervisors' experiences of cyber-supervision during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


An online survey of 195 respondents was conducted. Demographic data and the supervisees’ and supervisors’ views were analysed descriptively. Spearman’s Rho correlations were undertaken using IBM SPSS 28 to examine the associations between supervisees’ and supervisors’ ratings of their situation, views and experiences of cyber-supervision, and overall satisfaction and evaluation.


The results showed that the respondents' supervision changed to online supervision, with video conferencing as the primary method. The supervisees and supervisors shared similar views about online supervision and their attitudes and views about online. Items that indicated a constructive view of online supervision correlated positively with overall satisfaction and evaluation. In contrast, items less favourable of online supervision correlated negatively with overall satisfaction and evaluation. Overall, it was found that the attitudes and perspectives of supervisees and supervisors about online supervision were related to their overall satisfaction and evaluation.



It is recommended that supervisees and supervisors discuss their attitudes about online supervision early in the relationship and that further research be undertaken on the influence and impact of supervisee and supervisor attitudes on online supervision.

Author Biography

  • Kieran O'Donoghue, School of Social Work, Massey University

    School of Social Work
    Massey University




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Original Articles

How to Cite

Cyber-supervision during the Covid-19 pandemic: An exploratory international survey. (2024). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 36(2), 24-38.