Fieldwork placement reflection from a regional Pacific university during Covid-19




Fieldwork Placement


Since the Covid-19 pandemic begun, over 3.5 million people worldwide has been infected, more than 250.000 have died and unemployment rates have drastically increased. The tertiary education sector has been affected by this cruel disease. Placement experience during Covid 19 proved challenging for students and the social work team. It brought a lot of uncertainty, tested processes and systems, and unveiled new consideration. Experiences from Fieldwork Education provides a unique chance to reflect, to highlight lessons learnt, which became opportunities for the future, especially in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is important to note that this reflection is my personal view and not the Regional University’s views.


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Practice Notes

How to Cite

Fieldwork placement reflection from a regional Pacific university during Covid-19. (2023). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 35(2), 47-52.