Hoki ki tōu maunga kia purea ai e koe ki ngä hau o Tāwhirimātea – a supervision model


  • Vicki Murray




supervision, cultural supervision


As a clinical supervisor, I have been receiving increasing requests for supervision that is both culturally appropriate and culturally specific. There is a growing recognition that supervision covers a broad range of topics from clinical and administrative issues to specific cultural requirements, particularly of tangata whenua workers. Traditionally, supervision of social and health practitioners has been held predominantly within an agency’s interview spaces or supervisor’s offices. This article will look at ancestral sites as alternative locations for cultural and professional supervision, specifically within the Ngāti Awa rohe.

Author Biography

  • Vicki Murray
    Ko Pūtauaki te maunga, ko Ōhinemataroa te awa, ko Mātaatua te waka, ko Ngāti Pūkeko te iwi, ko Ngäi Tamapare te hapū, ko Rewatū te marae, ko Vicki Rangitautehanga Murray ahau. Vicki Rangitautehanga Murray (Ngāti Pūkeko, Ngāti Awa, Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Tūhoe me Ngāpuhi) worked in the Mātaatua ki te Moananui-a-Toi as a tutor/supervisor at Te Pū Wānanga o Anamata in the social and health fields for eight years, was a student of Te Tohu o Te Reo Maori and is completing a Masters in Social Work through the University of Otago. 2013 provided Vicki an opportunity to return to Te Matau-a-Maui to work in the Whānau Ora Team at Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri.


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How to Cite

Hoki ki tōu maunga kia purea ai e koe ki ngä hau o Tāwhirimātea – a supervision model. (2016). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(3-4), 3-11. https://doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol24iss3-4id102